
Green projects: fight against Climate Change

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What is a green project?

A green project is considered to be one that falls within the following sectors:
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NOTE: the projects described above, included in the categories marked with an *, are set out in Annex I of the OECD Consensus. The Consensus regulates export credits with a payment term equal to or greater than two years. Annex I provides more favourable conditions for water, energy production from renewable sources, and climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.

Advantages granted to green projects


The analysis of these operations will be a priority and they will be granted greater flexibility.

Rebate of study costs

Study fees will be refunded once the policy has been signed.

Better OECD premium

In operations subject to the OECD Arrangement, the premium will be reduced in line with the maximum discounts allowed therein. 

National content flexibility

Goods and services of Spanish origin need only represent 20% of the credit insured by Cesce instead of the 30% or 40% currently required for other operations.

New coverage for green investment abroad 

Cesce has created the green investment policy, under which the risk of non-payment of credits granted to foreign subsidiaries of Spanish companies will be covered. This policy offers coverage for both political and commercial risks (de facto or legal insolvency of the debtor or guarantor). 

More flexible conditions for export financing 

Additionally, export projects that fall within Annex I of the OECD Consensus may continue to benefit from the conditions included in the Sectoral Agreement for Climate Change, represented in the following table in summary form:
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More flexible conditions for export financing 

Additionally, export projects that fall within Annex I of the OECD Consensus may continue to benefit from the conditions included in the Sectoral Agreement for Climate Change, represented in the following table in summary form:

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